Window Captions
The captions of the various windows that comprise the Dyalog Integrated Development Environment (IDE) are user-configurable and defined by entries in the Windows registry in the Captions subkey of the main Dyalog key.
Note that this only applies when the windows are floating (un-docked). When a window is docked Dyalog displays a fixed non-configurable caption.
Note also that the Captions subkey is not created by the interpreter; the user must create the subkey and the values.
Each entry is a string value whose name identifies the window as follows:
Window Name | Description |
Session | The main Dyalog APL session window |
Editor | The Editor window |
SysTray | The hint on Dyalog icons in the System Tray |
MessageBox | The notification Message Box that is displayed in various circumstances; for example, when an object cannot be fixed by the Editor |
Explorer | The Workspace Explorer tool |
Rebuild Errors | The dialog box that is displayed if one or more objects cannot be re-instantiated when a workspace is loaded |
Status | The Status window |
Event Viewer | The Event Viewer |
FindReplace | The Find/Replace dialog box |
ExitDialog | The Exit dialog box that is displayed when the user closes the Session window |
WSSearch | The Find Objects tool |
Syserror | The Syserror Message Box |
Each string value should contain a mixture of your own text and keywords which are enclosed in braces, for example, {TITLE}. Keywords act like variables and are replaced at display time by corresponding values as described in the table below.
Keyword | Value |
{TITLE} | The window name shown in the first column of the previous table |
{WSID} | Workspace ID (⎕WSID) |
{NSID} | Current Namespace |
{SNSID} | Current Namespace (short version) |
{PRODUCT} | The name of the Dyalog product, for example, "Dyalog APL/W - 64" |
{VER_A} | The main version number, for example, "14" |
{VER_B} | The secondary version number, for example, "0" |
{VER_C} | The tertiary version number (currently the internal revision number) |
{PID} | The process ID |
{CHARS} | "Classic" or "Unicode" |
{BITS} | "32" or "64" |
{XLOC} | The namespace currently being explored (Explorer only) |
For example, if the Registry contains .\Captions\Session whose value is:
My APL ({WSID}) Version {VER_A}.{VER_B}[{VER_C}] - {PID}
then the caption displayed in a new Dyalog APL Session window might be:
My APL (CLEAR WS) Version 14.0[20105] - 4616